SMF Log records presented in a comprehensive and applicable fashion

z/OS is a very talkative operating system. It produces vast quantities of log data each and every second. Nothing stays unreported. Hardware details such as DASD, channels and CPU, figures related to subsystems like Db2, IMS and CICS, application and accounting facts. Just to mention some of them. Extracting and presenting the most appropriate data for a given task presents a challenge, even for experienced mainframe experts. Zetaly is devised to bridge the gap from deep technical expertise to actionable knowledge.

Being on the top with instant SMF log capture

Information clustering to shrink required disk volume

Sophisticated data organization for simplicity and faster disposition

Instant responses in case of problems

Data projection to reveal discrepancies and forecast developments

An intuitive self-serve Single-Desk solution.

ZETALY SI serves as the foundation for your mainframe governance. Don’t juggle tools to find and understand all information related to a given question. With ZETALY SI, we combine all data required to hold sway over the big iron.

The mainframe doesn’t have to be complex or hard to tackle with ZETALY Service Intelligence. It is easy to install and modest in maintenance. Using state-of-the-art technologies for superior user experience, we linked an artificial intelligence system with a high-end BI engine, presenting results in a dynamic web frontend.

Tailorable & scalable
to your specific IT Ecosystem.

ZETALY Service Intelligence is architected as the pivotal mainframe management hub. It covers vital functionality for a broad range of analysis requirements.
Let it be evaluation of the quality of your IT services, monitoring the mainframe bill, checking channel/disk I/O workload, etc.

ZETALY SI provides various components which complement each other but can also be used separately. Built-in customization features range from technical presets to the definition of made-to-order dashboards.
The intention is to tailor the solution with an ideal fit for your organization.

Control & reduce mainframe charges

Make the best of your resources

Proactivity to avoid system malfunctions

Information exploration via BI dashboards

Efficiency gains driven by facts and automation

Information exploration via BI dashboards

Foster teamwork with a common control center

Project the big picture and explore new opportunities