Software Quality Assurance for Db2® on z/OS

DB/IQ is a tool designed for DBAs and DevOps to ensure high quality and maintainability of Db2 applications. DB/IQ evaluates the health of your existing applications, ensures full compliance of code put into production and suggests ways to optimize application performance.

a developer who writes code
  • DBAs define code quality rules according to objectives and the criticality of applications
  • Developers can check compliance of their code on the fly, throughout the development phase
  • Systematically check and, if necessary, block delivery of non-compliant applications
  • Audit and benchmark existing applications.

Build better Db2 applications

To limit reliability and performance problems associated with bad SQL, many organizations adopt best-practice coding rules for all programmers. To be truly effective however, these rules must be systematically applied and continuously monitored. DB/IQ applies quality rules for SQL and consistently checks compliance of all code before it’s put into production.

2 people who analyze code
finger pointing a check

Continuous quality of Db2 applications

With DB/IQ, developers have everything at hand to control the quality of their code. They can run on-demand quality checks either in ISPF interface or directly in an Eclipse-based DevOps environment.

Maximize Db2 application performance

DB/IQ helps DBAs quickly identify where database and application performance can be improved. It benchmarks SQL statements against a range of criteria including cost factors, joins, sorting, access paths, elapsed times and CPU. It recommends the best index candidates based upon your current application SQL and can simulate the scalability of applications without having the real data volumes in your database.

a man helping another man climb a mountain

SQL Code Quality Assurance for z/OS applications

Watch this tutorial to see how DB/IQ performs quality assurance on SQL and detects performance issues before they occur in your production environment, saving time for the DBA and costs for your business.

Duration 03:39


A proactive approach to Db2 application quality
A proactive approach to Db2 application quality
Identify top resource crunchers to uncover performance issues
Identify top resource crunchers to uncover performance issues
Prevent spreading of problematic SQL
Prevent spreading of problematic SQL
Optimize Db2 indexes to improve performance
Optimize Db2 indexes to improve performance
Maintain a clean and efficient Db2 catalog
Declutter your Db2 Catalog
Ensure consistent migration of Db2 database structures
Ensure consistent migration of Db2 database structures